Important Message

Since I do not require you to sign up for an account to post on the website I do have a few rules:
1. No last names.
2. Make sure your name is on the post.
3. If you are a parent please put your name and your students' name.

4. No negative comments about other students.

I will DELETE posts and will not answer if you don't follow these rules.

Thank You,
Mr. Williams

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Earthquake's Shea Salinas Visits Roosevelt

We had a great opportunity to meet a professional soccer player Wednesday at school. He came and talked to the students about setting goals and how to take care of themselves. He was ver informative and the students really enjoyed having him on campus. Click on the picture to see the photo gallery.

See the article about the visit here.


Trish said...

Thanks for taking pictures Mr. Williams! - Trish T

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.williams, How is your day today.Iam doing great if you are asking. I like all of the pictures you toke for all of your work!!!! JENNIFER M

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.Williams,
Do you know what day we come back to school after winter break. I know it is a while a way, but I just want to know. Have a great Saturday. Thanks!
Anna D.

Mr. J. Williams said...

I have to look and get back to you Anna