Important Message

Since I do not require you to sign up for an account to post on the website I do have a few rules:
1. No last names.
2. Make sure your name is on the post.
3. If you are a parent please put your name and your students' name.

4. No negative comments about other students.

I will DELETE posts and will not answer if you don't follow these rules.

Thank You,
Mr. Williams

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Speech Videos

Chief of Staff

Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of the Treasury

Vice President


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Photo Albums

Below you will find to Photo Albums from events this week. The first is from our TheatreWorks Presentation on Monday night. The second album is from our class elections speeches. please take a look at the albums by clicking on the picture to see the entire set of pictures.


Election Speeches

I will be posting some video later this evening or tomorrow.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Heal Farms Field Trip

On Friday we had the opportunity to go to Heal Farms. This farm is set up through the County Office of Education to teach students about farming its importance. Below are some pictures of our awesome trip. We will be going back in May to harvest what we planted.

(click on the picture to view the album)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

TheatreWorks Presentation

On Monday, October 29th at 6:00pm both 5th grade class will be presenting to family and friends what they have learned during TheatreWork over the last 2 weeks. It is pretty fun to see the students show what they have learned is a completely different way. Please make sure students are to school by 6:00pm There will be no homework assigned that night for those that show up. We will also be talking to parents about fundraising for Outdoor Education which is in May. This is a very important evening for both students and parents. Please mark your calendars.

(Click on the link for a preview of the performance.)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Class Election

On November 6th while we are going to the polls to vote for our countries elected offices our class will be going to the polls as well. We will not be voting for the President of the United States but rather the President of our classroom as well as a few other positions. Each student is required to run for an elected position in class. The students must write a speech, produce a poster, as well as create some type of campaign memorabilia. The students will present their speeches to the class on either October 29th or the 30th. A more exact schedule will follow in the coming days. Please refer to the calendar at the top of this page for exact due dates of all assignments. Parents are invited to the presentation days.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Earthquake's Shea Salinas Visits Roosevelt

We had a great opportunity to meet a professional soccer player Wednesday at school. He came and talked to the students about setting goals and how to take care of themselves. He was ver informative and the students really enjoyed having him on campus. Click on the picture to see the photo gallery.

See the article about the visit here.